Over time, age, sun, and many other factors cause our skin to lose its elasticity and become saggy, which can lead to an aged appearance. At Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Specialists, we believe in helping our patients feel comfortable and confident in their appearance. We also believe in providing the highest quality of care to ensure that you receive the natural-looking results you want. To do this, Dr. Natalie Driessen is pleased to use FaceTite in Palm Desert, California.

FaceTite by Inmode is a thin handheld tool that provides non-surgical procedures to tighten skin in the face and neck areas, ultimately restoring your former youthful appearance. Instead of making surgical incisions and physically lifting the skin into place, FaceTite uses radio-frequency energy to melt fat and tighten your skin in a more natural way. This small tool is ideal for performing focal treatments in even the smallest areas of the face. Some treatment areas include:

– Under the eyes
– Above the eyes
– Double chins
– Jowl lines
– Deep facial lines

Treating your skin with FaceTite can be completed in just one visit with our plastic surgeon. Most procedures are performed under light sedation or local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. Once the procedure is complete, most patients can see a noticeable different right away, with maximum results appearing after 6 to 12 weeks. Because there are no incisions, patients experience minimum swelling or post-procedural discomfort. Patients are also able to return to their home and daily activities shortly afterwards.

To learn more about FaceTite, and how you can tighten the skin on your face and neck without scars, please contact our office today at 760-773-6616.