A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can help you achieve the slimmer, toned abdomen you desire. Some deposits of fat, particularly in the tummy area, can be resistant to your dieting and exercise efforts. While a tummy tuck is not a substitute for a weight loss program, it can help you overcome a protruding abdomen and achieve a toned, trim figure. Even otherwise healthy individuals may suffer from excess fat and sagging skin in the abdominal area as a result of aging, pregnancy, surgery, heredity, or weight fluctuations.

A tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin while restoring and improving the underlying abdominal muscles, resulting in an abdominal area that is toned and firm. Good candidates for tummy tuck treatment should be in good health, be non-smokers, and have stubborn, lifestyle-resistant fat deposits and/or excess skin. We encourage you to learn whether you are a candidate for a tummy tuck in Palm Desert, California, by calling us today. We are happy to answer your questions, and we can schedule your next consultation with our experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Natalie Driessen. During your consultation, we will discuss patient eligibility, the surgical procedure, and recovery instructions. We look forward to helping you achieve the figure you desire!