RADIESSE® is a versatile cosmetic dermal filler used to treat deep lines and wrinkles around the nose and mouth, as well as the lines around the eyes and jaw. It can also be used as a liquid implant to augment the nose, cheeks and chin or restore plumpness to withered, lined hands. RADIESSE consists of microspheres of calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance naturally found in bones and teeth. It works to produce immediate results, adding volume to your face and smoothing your skin. Your body metabolizes the microspheres over time, which stimulates natural collagen production in order to provide long-lasting results.

Your treatment will consist of a series of injections over a period of several months. RADIESSE will work to produce results for about three months following injection. You can expect your results to last up to 18 months. Each treatment session only takes a few minutes to perform and is usually very comfortable. We may provide a topical anesthetic to minimize any discomfort from the injection if you feel that you need it.

We welcome you to contact Dr. Natalie Driessen today at 760-773-6616 to learn more about receiving RADIESSE in Palm Desert, California, and to schedule your appointment with our experienced plastic surgeon.