One of our popular cosmetic options is the facelift service. Facelifts improve facial signs of aging and can help you achieve the look you desire. Heredity, aging, and sun damage can impact your skin’s elasticity and firmness. Over the years, wrinkles form and parts of the face may begin to experience sagging. A facelift can restore a youthful, toned appearance to your face. Experience greater confidence and enjoy improved self-esteem by enhancing your face’s features.

A facelift can correct a variety of signs of aging, including loose skin tone, fat that has disappeared or moved, wrinkles and creases below the eyes and near the nose and mouth, and facial sagging. During a facelift procedure, underlying tissue is repositioned superiorly, loose excess skin is removed, and often fat grafting is performed to ensure that your face looks firmer and more youthful.

While none of us can stop the aging process, a facelift can help you reverse some of its signs and achieve a young, natural-looking appearance. To be a good candidate for a facelift, you should be in good overall health and a non-smoker. If you would like to schedule a consultation about a facelift in Palm Desert, California, we invite you to contact our team today. Dr. Natalie Driessen looks forward to visiting with you about your goals!