44311 Monterey Ave.
Palm Desert, CA 92260

| 760-773-6616

Breast Cancer Screening Is Critical for Early Diagnosis

Performing a breast self-examination once each month plays an important role in catching any aberrations before they can develop into a more serious condition. While the self-exam is primarily intended to catch early signs of breast cancer, it can also help with the early detection of breast cysts and other medical conditions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also... read more »

A Facelift Can Help Rejuvenate Your Youthful Appearance

Wrinkles, sagging skin and lines on your face are an often unfortunate yet natural result of growing older. While a variety of factors can contribute to an aging appearance, primary causes of the skin aging are often related to decreased exfoliation at the surface layers of your skin as well as reduced collagen development in the deeper dermal layers. Early... read more »

A Mommy Makeover Can Restore Much of Your Pre-Pregnancy Appearance

Bearing children can cause significant changes to your body as well as your lifestyle. Many women who have had one or more children will notice long-term increases in their body fat, sagging breasts, loose abdominal skin and other changes in their appearance. Once you are done having children, you may want to consider various cosmetic procedures to address these issues... read more »

Lines Around the Lips and Nose Can Be Minimized by Belotero Balance®

Aging changes the face and other parts of the body in different ways. The process of skin aging is often the result of decreased collagen production in the dermis as well as slowed replenishment of surface skin cells from the deeper dermal layers. As the years go by the process can cause fine lines and wrinkles to develop in certain... read more »

Kybella™ Can Help Improve the Appearance of Your Chin

Prominent facial features play a key role in many of your facial expressions and nonverbal communications. Yet as you age your body can undergo a wide range of changes, including a buildup of stubborn fat deposits in key areas of the face, as well as a loss of skin elasticity and tone. Fortunately, Dr. Natalie Driessen offers a wide range... read more »

A Breast Augmentation Revision Can Provide You With Your Desired Bustline

Many women choose breast augmentation to help address their breast size and profile for a variety of reasons. It could be related to changes in the bustline after pregnancy, breastfeeding or a significant change in body composition. At the same time, some women choose breast augmentation to boost their natural endowments. However, not all breast augmentation procedures achieve the desired... read more »

A Brazilian Butt Lift Can Enhance Your Posterior Appearance

As you grow older genetic factors and changes in your body composition can alter the contours of your shape. Over time these changes can hamper your self-image and leave you wanting to explore your cosmetic surgery options. Dr. Natalie Driessen offers a wide variety of cosmetic surgery services for individuals living in the area surrounding Palm Desert, California. After a... read more »

Cosmetic Laser Therapy Can Help Address Wrinkles and Dermal Defects

The natural aging process affects various parts of your body in different ways. Time, diet and sun exposure can gradually start to cause the skin on your face and neck to sag while various dermal defects start to appear. As these cosmetic imperfections continue to develop they can leave you looking older than you truly are.   If you are... read more »

Breast Augmentation Can Enlarge Your Bustline

Genetics, the natural aging process and changes in body composition can leave you feeling dissatisfied with the size and appearance of your breasts. These changes might also be associated with changes in breast tissue or skin elasticity after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Women living in the Palm Desert, California area who feel this way can turn to the cosmetic surgery services... read more »

An Unappealing Mole Can Be Professionally Removed

A mole is essentially a minor dermal abnormality. They develop on your skin based on your genetics, and they can change in size and shape depending on certain environmental factors. This could include unprotected sun exposure, dermal health, and other factors. It’s also not unheard of for new moles to develop as you age. Sometimes a mole that develops on... read more »